The Santa CLAUSE



Yes, the clause where you have to put your rubbish in the bin. Can't do that? Put 'em on the naughty list!

So today I was thinking. (I think I do a lot of thinking) About a million things. (e.g. home ec assignment, english assignment, global assignment) And Christmas. Who doesn’t love Christmas? The answer; Scrooge. Well, apart from Scrooge, how you tell all those cute little kids about the stories where Santa comes down your chimney, and he puts the presents under the Christmas tree, all nicely wrapped (by each of the elves) except for one story. (The Santa Clause) Turns out Tim Allen’s Santa Claus is the only who knows how to live sustainably. I’ll give you a clip at the end... or a link... All Scott Calvin/ Santa Claus (same initials :D) does is just pull the presents out of his magical bag, and just chucks them under the tree. In some cases- literally! Because, what do we do with all this left over paper? It’s a waste, just using it for one day/night, and the next thing you know, a child’s greedy hands just wants to get to the toys and all that kind of fun stuff for Christmas  then the paper gets thrown away. In the recycle bin? Nope. Normal bins. Damn you, Santa (shakes fist towards the skies) for using wrapping paper without even thinking about somehow telling kids that they should be recycling. Anyway, enough with the heavy. It’ll be Christmas soon and its a time that everyone should enjoy. (America and Canada, I’m talking to you about the Christmas break) Well, for that little thing, I have a couple of friends that live in Canada, and they say they still have a month of school left; unacceptable! But I’ve been thinking. About a while lot of things. Littering is one. An also the amount of times I have started to talk about Christmas. You’ll probably hate me for that. Well, about half an hour ago, a storm started (completely off topic) and I was all ‘Yay! I love storms and it will water the plants in the park and will also fill up our slowly emptying pool!’ So that was pretty cool. And then it started hailing. And that was the time that my dad decided to come home. In a car. While it was hailing. And from what I’ve seen on that RACQ (I think) ad when it’s hailing and that lady is desperately trying to save her car, it doesn’t work out too well. Luckily it was only small bits of hail. And when I’m talking small, I mean the pad of your thumb small. Not baby hand small, teenager small. So if you’re an adult, grab your teenagers hand, or visualise your hand slightly smaller. (Do neither of these if you have naturally small hands) And that’s how big they were. Not big. At all. Then soon after my mum came home. No damage to her car either, since I haven’t heard her complaining apart from just before when my dad had bloody(when I say bloody, I mean bloody) steak pieces sitting in the fridge and the blood escaped. Only time she’s complained. Well, she’s complained about a lot of things, but half the things you wouldn’t want to know. The other half with probably bore the life out of you. At least I don’t have too much of my mother in me. Otherwise these blogs would have been so much worse.

Until next time, stay green.  And try not to complain too much- for everyone’s sake.

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    Natalie has an avid passion for reading and swimming. Every third Saturday of the month she dedicates to her local Bushcare group, to help take care of the environment.


    November 2013
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