Talk is Cheap



Littering is expensive

So after yesterday’s little blog, I was thinking about littering again. So I found some statistics I thought I should share with you.
MOST LITTERED ITEMS: Cigarette butts- of every item littered, 49% of items are discarded butts.
Plastic objects; the most littered by volume of material.
Most littered sites: Retail sites/shopping centres, industrial locations and  highways.
There are over 4000 chemicals in a cigarette butt that leach into water within one hour of contact, when a butt is littered on the street, there is a high chance it will end up in our waterways.
Australians throw away about 7150 recyclable bags a minute, with 429,000 recyclable plastic bags dumped into landfill every hour.
According to the National Litter Index (wow, I never knew there was such a thing) some of the most littered take away food wrapping includes: flavoured milk cartons, take-away cups and containers, cigarette packaging, paper bags and ice cream wrappers. (Damn, now I feel like ice-cream!)
Litter can harm and kill wildlife. Cigarette butts and small plastic items are often mistaken for food by marine life and have been found in the stomachs of young birds, sea turtles and other marine creatures. (For more information.... click here ->
Littering is an environmental crime. Around Australia people can be given fines ranging up to $250,000.
SO DON’T DO IT!! Those are my wise words of wisdom for today. Just don’t do anything. Don’t move, don’t speak, don’t smoke, don’t drink drive, don’t drink, don’t drive, don’t litter, don’t... not pick up your dog poo. Just don’t do anything. Stay still, and don’t move a muscle. Just relax and listen to the sounds as cars honk and the screech of tires on the roads at night. Yep. That’s what I hear. I wonder what people would hear before pollution was happening. It would probably the clicking of horses and wheels along the gravel roads, people chatting happily, the swish of a fine lady’s dress.  And you want to know why my thoughts of an 1800s era was so vivid? Because that’s where I want to be. The big dresses, riding in a carriage, the bumpy, uneven roads. That’s what life should be like. No smoke, no... okay, there is better hygiene. But apart from that. Anyway, back on topic. Well, up above, when it’s saying all those things about the marine life, you know where the cigarette butts come from? Well, I didn’t see any, but I suspect at least half comes from the parks. Well, I’ve seen plastic in the bush. And then they tried to cover it up under the bushes, unacceptable. (That’s the water bottle by the way) And then there is the big fat, plastic bucket as well as the spray can, which probably contributed to some old teen vandalism. So, I’ll be sure to add these pictures in just for you to see. And it takes 450- possibly 1000 years for a plastic waterbottle to biodegrade. Well, isn’t someone being nice and humane with their littering habits?

Until next time, stay green.  Cause I honestly can’t think of anything else today.

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    Natalie has an avid passion for reading and swimming. Every third Saturday of the month she dedicates to her local Bushcare group, to help take care of the environment.


    November 2013
    October 2013

