I'm sorry if that was too violent. I was thinking about Lord of the Rings for some reason....

So I’m going to get right to it. You know, if you had read yesterday’s blog that I was going to absolutely bombard you with facts about the environment. And I don’t feel like wasting anytime. And I found a site which is absolutely perfect. So, here goes;
If just 25% of U.S. families used 10 fewer plastic bags a month, we would save over 2.5 billion bags a year.
On the average, the 140 million cars in America are estimated to travel almost 4 billion miles in a day, and according to the Department of Transportation, they use over 200 million gallons of gasoline doing it.
Every year we throw away 24 million tonnes of leaves and grass. Leaves alone account for 75% of our solid waste in the fall.
Over 100 pesticide ingredients are suspected to cause birth defects, cancer and gene mutations.
About 1% of U.S. landfill space is full of disposable diapers, which take 500 years to decompose.
Energy saved from one recycled aluminium can will operate a TV set for 3 hours, and is the equivalent to half a can of gasoline.
Glass produced from recycled glass instead of raw materials reduces related air pollution by 20%, and water pollution by 50%.
Americans use 50 million tons of paper annually- consuming more than 850 million trees. (I guess we know who’s killing the environment.)
Homeowners use up to 10 times more toxic chemicals per acre than farmers. (Gross much?)
By turning down your central heating thermostat one degree, fuel consumption is cut by as much as 10% (I know what I’ll be doing next winter)
Insulating your attic reduces the amount of energy loss in most houses by up to 20% (I wonder if mine is...?)
One ton of carbon dioxide that is released in the air can be prevented by replacing every 75 watt light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs. (Well, I know I’ve done that *smiles proudly*)
Every day (yes, DAY) 40,000 children die from preventable diseases.
The human population of the world is expected to be nearly tripled by the year 2100. (Well, I will possibly be dead by then, so I don’t think it will effect me. But if I live to see 2100, that would mean I would be 101  years old. *Feeling proud*)
A three percent annual growth rate will result in the doubling of consumption and production of food and other products in 25 short years. The amount of motor vehicles (wow, I think I’ll... just... walk everywhere...) that are expected to be operated will increase 15 million a year until at least 2010.
Okay, I think that’s enough for today. But, there is a heap more where that came from and I am not going to stop any time soon. Maybe I could start doing doubles each day, that way I could cover all the information I needed. Feeling devilish now. Well now, that’s a super idea. Get excited guys. Because I totally approve.

Until next time, stay green. 

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    Natalie has an avid passion for reading and swimming. Every third Saturday of the month she dedicates to her local Bushcare group, to help take care of the environment.


    November 2013
    October 2013

