More Knowledge



So then you have so much knowledge in your head, you'll start looking like the blue alien man from Megamind.

Here we go again. I really hope you’re enjoying this.

  • We waste enough sporks to circle the Earth, and then some; enough plastic eating utensils are thrown away every year to circle the equator 300 times. That’s about 40 billion pounds of plastic knives, forks and spoons, the vast majority of which end up in landfills where scientists say they’ll take 500 years, give or take maybe, 10 years- to decompose.
  • Airlines waste enough soda cans to build dozens of planes
  • We shop 3.5 hours a week. Americans spend about 3.5 hours every week shopping for groceries, clothing and other items. (I wonder what we’re like...?)
  • Indoor air can be 100-times more polluted than outdoor air; according to the Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside your home may be 100 times more polluted than the air outside, due in part to mould
  • Population Growth: In that short time the industrial revolution has also caused an amazing growth of population. In last 50 years it has grown more than the previous four million years. The number of one billion was reached in the 19th century, while today there are almost seven billion people on Earth. These estimations say that we could reach the number of nine billion until 2050. If food is a problem today, it’s not easy to imagine what a problem it would be forty years from now.
  • The Wall Street bailout: It reached over $700 billion and still grows. Only 4% of that could end world hunger. There is a well known old Chinese saying: “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.” According to that, this is not the right solution for the problem, but there are indications which show that only $30 billion per year are needed for creating and implementing programs that could help toward solving this issue.
  • Australia’s Geothermal Energy; Only 1% of the untapped geothermal energy potential in Australia could be enough for the next 26,000 years, providing optimism for the future. We can not use that energy yet, but the Australian government invests a lot in green technologies recently and announced that this one won’t be excluded. They hope to be able to use up to 40% of that until 2020.
  • Cars vs. Public Transport; Apparently, Americans use 140 million cars to travel almost four billion miles everyday, using over 200 million gallons of gas for that.
  • Too Little Air in China; Only 1% of the 560 million city residents in China breathe air that is considered to be safe according to the standards of the European Union. The cancer has become the number 1 reason for deaths, but things become even worse, as clouds of polluted air reach the skies of Japan and Korea as well, causing acid rains. (I guess the facts and the rain would sting a little...)
Well, that is enough for me tonight and I will talk more tomorrow.   :)

Until next time, stay green.  

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    Natalie has an avid passion for reading and swimming. Every third Saturday of the month she dedicates to her local Bushcare group, to help take care of the environment.


    November 2013
    October 2013

