


And I'm not talking about the song (by MKTO)

So I have something to talk about. Of course. When don’t I? I just wanted to say that I only have six more days (five after today) and I wanted to say thank you. For reading all of the blogs, for putting up with my weird, boring and annoying behaviour or just going- ‘Oh here’s a site about the environment... oh she’s 14, whatever.’ and ditching. But thank you for at least coming to my site. Over the next five days (this is a future reference, ok? Don’t get freaked out for the future 5 blogs) I will be attempting to bombard you with relentless facts. So I’ve given you small facts every time, small ones. Teensy eensy ones, but nothing like this one. It will be so huge, it’ll be like... like.... all 5 of the Twilight movies every single one, all in a row. Like the way you do a ‘Twilight’ marathon in one night (okay, so not many people can relate to that. Even I can’t relate to that! It was the first series I thought of which had five movies, ok? Cut me some slack!) Cause if it were me that was going to do a marathon, I think I’d go for something more simple. Maybe all of the Harry Potter movies, or a whole range of Disney movies (Yes, I still watch Disney movies and I am 14; well, aren’t Disney movies supposed to be along the lines of timeless classics? Because if they are, I want to be a timeless classic as well. (Personally, if I were going to be one of the Disney princesses, I would totally settle for Belle from Beauty and the Beast, if any of you didn’t know. Because she is a lot like me. She has brown hair, brown eyes, she can sing (Not being full of myself....) and she loves reading books. And that library she has? I. WANT. IT.) So if you come at me, best be prepared, I’ll have an armful of books to throw/hit/assault you with) I think I forgot to mention in the triple brackets that I love her dress. You know, the yellow one? I think I’ll have to put some clips in for you. You know why? Because I felt like it. And really, this isn’t really a blog about rubbish. But I can if you want it to be. OMG, I don’t think my mum has bought Beauty and the Beast on DVD yet... grrr. Anyway, rubbish. I have an idea. We have heaps of videos still sitting up in a cupboard upstairs (yes I said VIDEOS) and until recently I stopped watching them, because my mum is starting to buy them all on DVD. One; that is a waste of money, because the Video player still works fine! Two; Mum is getting them all on DVD now, so I don’t have to watch them on Video. And it kind of makes sense, if you understand, because with the videos, you have to rewind them all the way back when you finished watching the movie, and that is a pain in the neck. So, have a nice night, and prepare to get educated. Yes. The library. Watch, look. It's awesome. And the Beast is

Until next time, stay green. 

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    Natalie has an avid passion for reading and swimming. Every third Saturday of the month she dedicates to her local Bushcare group, to help take care of the environment.


    November 2013
    October 2013

